Medical Team
Penis enlargement surgery has recently become quite popular and widely available.
Whereas most penis enlargement treatments are relatively simple and safe, it is very important that you choose carefully the establishment and the doctor that will perform it.
Penis enlargement is not the same as breast enlargement or other plastic surgeries since it will affect not only the aesthetic appearance of your genitals but also sexual function. Hence the doctor that will consult (so as to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for this treatment) and treat you must have a very detailed knowledge of both the penis anatomy and men’s sexual function.
For this reason, all the doctors in our group are Urologists/Andrologists specialising in uro-genital surgery. Our team of medical experts have played leading roles in the development, co-development or improvement of many of the modern treatments in cosmetic andrology and genital augmentation currently standard throughout the world.
Our doctors have treated over 40,000 men and performed more than 10,000 specialist male uro-genital surgeries. This means that we are extremely focused, specialised and experienced in what we do.
Book you FREE Consultation today with one of our surgeons or learn more about our medical team below.